Epidemiological reasons for lack of sperm
Either acquired or congenital which occurs after a period for some reason. The breakdown rating is by location
Clogged between testicle and epididymis
The spermatozoa congregate and merge with each other, producing 6 to 12 channels, all of which are transmitted by the bacterium. These channels move the sperm from the seminal tubes to the epididymis, where they can be stored. A congenital obstruction can occur for this area. Soaking and conducting the wife's microscopy
Occurrence of blockage on the level of the epididymis and the level of channels carrying sperm
Congenital causes include obstruction when the epididymis is connected with the sperm ducts and this condition can be repaired by microscopic surgery https://talesforlife11.blogspot.com/2017/08/blog-post_52.html
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