Saturday, 20 April 2019

Male Hypothyroidism  talesforlife1

igh blood pressure, or diabetes and hardening and narrowing of blood vessels in general, especially the coronary arteries in the heart, so avoiding these diseases through effective prevention adds more than twenty Or thirty years to the human life cycle. The impasse we are facing now is that our bodies adapt modestly to the conditions and the now polluted environment that our predecessors have never faced. At the same time, our bodies are inadequately adapted to the harsh conditions we have produced for ourselves in the last three decades of environmental pollution and over- Nutrition and lack of physical movement. Scientific research and recent clinical trials, especially the presence of oxidative stress due to environmental pollution and food (Oxidative Stress), which in turn helps to early aging of cells and helps to be degenerative diseases due to toxic toxins resulting from this environmental pollution, Is a separate electrons formed in the body after eating foods contaminated by environmental poisoning, which reached its highest in industrialized countries and began years ago in our Gulf and Arab after the current urban and industrial renaissance, and this happens in our bodies after eating these During the metabolic process of these foods, the mitochondria, the mitochondria, do so in the cell. When these proteins interact with the fats and proteins inside the cell, damage or damage occurs in this cell and thus pathological changes in the vascular wall, In the body, especially in the case of other factors that help the disease as high in the proportion of fat or high blood sugar, so the primary goal and prevention of our bodies should be the reduction of calories consumed and harmful effects, and, as mentioned earlier, the high proportion of the population High-calorie diets in these foods, as well as high levels of harmful fats in the blood, damage the body and blood vessels and cause them to stiffen, constrict and block them especially. Global research has shown that older animals that underwent a low-calorie diet program had high insulin sensitivity and low blood sugar levels, and conversely, in high calorie-fed animals, hormones play an important role in physiology and pathology Natural and early aging As growth hormone is a hormone that decreases production in the body with age, scientific research indicates that the production and secretion of growth hormone (GH) gradually decreases by 14% within ten years during the age of men And women after reaching the age of majority, as well as the male sex hormone (Testosterone) when men and femininity hormone (Estrogen) when women but differ by a percentage decline in the growth of 1-2% annually hormone after the age of thirty years of age. The rapid scientific outcome on the physiology of hormonal changes in men after the age of 40 and its results. Pathological changes, most prevalent in men with erectile dysfunction, led to the response to this multi-cause disease and at the same time led to a multilateral strategy to treat this disease. There are also psychological diseases and many organic diseases, as well as metabolic diseases affecting these men in addition to sexual problems when the age of forty and the most prevalent is diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and obesity, as well as mood disorders 
(Depressed Mood)

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