Food frenzy and high temperature in the atmosphere are the main reasons for the high incidence of this disease. The incidence of kidney stones and ureters is the third place of urinary tract diseases, urinary tract infections are the first place in both sexes, and prostate enlargement and cancer are second in men. The incidence of these stones during the period of life is now estimated at 5-10% of kidney stones and the incidence of three times in women, and the incidence of the second pebble after the treatment of the first infection is 10% after one year and 50% within ten years. The top of the infection is 30 years of age in men and their weakness in women, one at the age of thirty-fifth and the other at the age of fifty-fifth. The pebble in humans is related to the strain and the human race, the geographical location of the living (hot areas) and the change of seasons during the year, especially in the summer, the incidence rate increases, where urine is increased saturation of calcium minerals and oxals in them due to dryness of the body. According to recent global health statistics, more than 40-50% of patients with kidney stones and ureters are now treated by external electromagnetic waves (ESWL) and 50-60% laser microscopy. Clinical results in recent years confirm the success of these two non-surgical treatments, The remaining 10% of these patients need renal renal intervention for other pathological reasons, especially in the case of large kidney stones.
As for the diagnosis of kidney stones are newly by ultrasound and for diagnosis of ureteral stones, as well as CT scan is the only way to detect these stones in this area and the diagnosis of size and location in the urinary system, and the clinical reasons for the fragmentation of these stones are in the presence of: The size is over 6 mm. 2. Kidney pellets of sizes above 5 mm. 3. Urethral stones of a size greater than 5 mm. The clinical reasons for the fragmentation of medium and upper kidney stones are: 1. Gravel with a diameter of more than half a centimeter. 2. Frequent or recurrent heart and kidney aches with the presence of these stones in the above mentioned gags.
the cure:
In a short period of time, international companies have developed different types of kidney and electrolyte fracture devices by exploiting the effects of shock waves, the most recent of which are electromagnetic shock waves (ESWL) or the use of laser to break the kidney stones in the lower gums or upper ureteral stones. ) To break up kidney stones that are hard to dislodge and remove from the ureter or kidney. One of the new technological developments in this field is now available a new device for the diagnosis and fragmentation of gravel at the same time in the kidney or ureter because these devices equipped with two machines, one ultrasound machine and the other X-ray machine at the same time an important technological breakthrough for the patient by the engineering development of the generator The shock waves of the stone crushing system, it became possible through this technological development to break the kidney stones or upper ureter stones faster, simpler and easier without side complications as well as without general anesthesia because the guidance of shock waves became accurate and effective unlike devices The old to break up these gravel. The percentage of purification of these gravel after the fragmentation is 80% of the diameter of the diameter to the centimeter, and 65% of the grain diameter to 2 cm, and 58% of the gravel with the country above 2 centimeters. The reason for the incomplete fragmentation of the gravel is due to the survival of parts of the gravel inside the lower muzzle of the kidney. Therefore, the modern treatment by flexible endoscope and laser lithotripsy and suction at the same time is a successful and easy treatment for the patient without any complications. Clinical experiments have shown that there is a positive relationship between the large size of the stones and the increase in the percentage of bacterial infections in the kidneys and ureters after the dissection. If the catheterization (DJST) did not occur before the intervention of the surface to break up such large stones, the above complications will be high compared to This catheter catheter can maintain the flow of urine without obstruction, obstruction, or narrowing of the urinary tract (renal pelvis, ureter and bladder). This catheter acts as a filter for the large, It is possible to leave this catheter in the ureter and kidney for up to six weeks. One of the most important clinical reasons for the incision of these cystic catheters prior to the fragmentation of gravel is the presence of acute bacterial infection in the urinary tract or in the case of a single kidney in the patient. Either in