Saturday, 20 April 2019

And ureteral fibrillation and laryngoscopy and primary prevention  talesforlife

Food frenzy and high temperature in the atmosphere are the main reasons for the high incidence of this disease. The incidence of kidney stones and ureters is the third place of urinary tract diseases, urinary tract infections are the first place in both sexes, and prostate enlargement and cancer are second in men. The incidence of these stones during the period of life is now estimated at 5-10% of kidney stones and the incidence of three times in women, and the incidence of the second pebble after the treatment of the first infection is 10% after one year and 50% within ten years. The top of the infection is 30 years of age in men and their weakness in women, one at the age of thirty-fifth and the other at the age of fifty-fifth. The pebble in humans is related to the strain and the human race, the geographical location of the living (hot areas) and the change of seasons during the year, especially in the summer, the incidence rate increases, where urine is increased saturation of calcium minerals and oxals in them due to dryness of the body. According to recent global health statistics, more than 40-50% of patients with kidney stones and ureters are now treated by external electromagnetic waves (ESWL) and 50-60% laser microscopy. Clinical results in recent years confirm the success of these two non-surgical treatments, The remaining 10% of these patients need renal renal intervention for other pathological reasons, especially in the case of large kidney stones.


As for the diagnosis of kidney stones are newly by ultrasound and for diagnosis of ureteral stones, as well as CT scan is the only way to detect these stones in this area and the diagnosis of size and location in the urinary system, and the clinical reasons for the fragmentation of these stones are in the presence of: The size is over 6 mm. 2. Kidney pellets of sizes above 5 mm. 3. Urethral stones of a size greater than 5 mm. The clinical reasons for the fragmentation of medium and upper kidney stones are: 1. Gravel with a diameter of more than half a centimeter. 2. Frequent or recurrent heart and kidney aches with the presence of these stones in the above mentioned gags.

the cure:

In a short period of time, international companies have developed different types of kidney and electrolyte fracture devices by exploiting the effects of shock waves, the most recent of which are electromagnetic shock waves (ESWL) or the use of laser to break the kidney stones in the lower gums or upper ureteral stones. ) To break up kidney stones that are hard to dislodge and remove from the ureter or kidney. One of the new technological developments in this field is now available a new device for the diagnosis and fragmentation of gravel at the same time in the kidney or ureter because these devices equipped with two machines, one ultrasound machine and the other X-ray machine at the same time an important technological breakthrough for the patient by the engineering development of the generator The shock waves of the stone crushing system, it became possible through this technological development to break the kidney stones or upper ureter stones faster, simpler and easier without side complications as well as without general anesthesia because the guidance of shock waves became accurate and effective unlike devices The old to break up these gravel. The percentage of purification of these gravel after the fragmentation is 80% of the diameter of the diameter to the centimeter, and 65% of the grain diameter to 2 cm, and 58% of the gravel with the country above 2 centimeters. The reason for the incomplete fragmentation of the gravel is due to the survival of parts of the gravel inside the lower muzzle of the kidney. Therefore, the modern treatment by flexible endoscope and laser lithotripsy and suction at the same time is a successful and easy treatment for the patient without any complications. Clinical experiments have shown that there is a positive relationship between the large size of the stones and the increase in the percentage of bacterial infections in the kidneys and ureters after the dissection. If the catheterization (DJST) did not occur before the intervention of the surface to break up such large stones, the above complications will be high compared to This catheter catheter can maintain the flow of urine without obstruction, obstruction, or narrowing of the urinary tract (renal pelvis, ureter and bladder). This catheter acts as a filter for the large, It is possible to leave this catheter in the ureter and kidney for up to six weeks. One of the most important clinical reasons for the incision of these cystic catheters prior to the fragmentation of gravel is the presence of acute bacterial infection in the urinary tract or in the case of a single kidney in the patient. Either in

Male hormon etalesforlife1

As shown in the figure, the pathological relationship between obesity and especially the increase of visceral visceral fat in the body, the person's metabolic syndrome negatively affect the production of male testosterone in the testis in men and lead to the so-called (weakness syndrome) because the production of the enzyme aromatase in tissues Lipids rise, leading to excessive hormonal conversion from male to female. Causes Erectile dysfunction plays a major role in a man's life, where the relationship between the sexes is negative and life is affected and the pattern of the person affected. Recent statistics have shown that 30 million men have been affected in the United States alone, where the incidence of ED is 12% 59 years old and 22% between 60 and 69 years of age and 30% above 69 years of age, the relationship is positive between increased body weight and ED, where the incidence of erectile dysfunction is 30% when BMI is above 28.7 (Body Mass Index) where the natural BMI is under 25, with The symptoms of ED in obese or obesity are 79%, as the factors of pathological changes in blood vessels such as atherosclerosis and others are always present in general and excessive obesity, and these play an important role in diseases ED. Obstructive changes in endothelial dysplasia in the case of obesity are caused by a defect in the production of the nitric oxide (Defect of NO) of these cells lining the blood vessels, Inhibition of obesity in the case of obesity, as well as in the case of changes in the pathology of the body due to excessive meat eating and lack of movement and also because of the high cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood in these men, which in turn lead to changes in pathological hardening and narrowing in the blood vessels by It is worth mentioning that in the case of men after forty years of age and beyond, especially in the case of men, there is a physiology of decreases in the proportion of the male hormone (Testosterone) (TDS) as well as in the growth hormone (Hormone) and thyroid hormone in the blood and this is found in the elderly, where the proportion of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which indicates a decrease in the production of thyroxine in the cells of the thyroid gland and this deficiency in the gland About 9 percent These hormonal changes also lead to the symptoms of early and most common early age diseases. These are the increase in the lipid mass in the body, the weakness of the body and the general weakness of the body. This is the beginning of metabolic syndrome in men over age (Metabolic Syndrome) because of the negative pathological changes of this syndrome to the productive, hormonal and reproductive functions in the testicles, as it has scientifically and clinically proved that the change of the wrong lifestyle and follow the diet of the Mediterranean countries, which contains green Fruits, nuts, refined grains, olive oil and fish, reducing weight and obesity while exercising daily (6-8 hours per week). These all reduce the risk of metabolic syndrome and age-related diseases such as high fat Blood pressure, diabetes, and erectile dysfunction while reducing the risk of vascular wall failure, which, if obtained, will lead to narrowing or obstruction of the arterial blood vessels of the penis and coronary arteries in the heart. Therefore, undergoing periodic laboratory diagnostic tests of male hormones Especially deaf Blood, blood pressure, prostate, hypertrophy, inflammation and arterial blood circulation of the penis to diagnose the thickness and diameter of the arterial wall of the arteries to diagnose these diseases in men so that they can be treated early and distinguished by a specialist in the treatment and surgery of pathology Sexual and masculine and infertility so that the treatment has a positive result for the patient under the age of forty and also above this age, especially those infected with these
diseases mentioned

The prostate gland's infection with acute or chronic infections also leads to ED due to the free radicals of oxygen and the loss of one electron from its outer orbit in the semen produced by this gland by 80% and leads to a decrease in oxidation resistance Which causes sexual impotence as well as infertility in men between the age of twenty - forty. As for diabetes and obese people, the resistance of the cell to insulin in the penis lead to nerve damage, especially in the non-adrenal and non-collagenic, and the result of low nitric oxide production in vascular endothelial cells in the arteries of the penis leads to a high percentage of the cliff and remove this The result of these metabolic changes is an abnormal contraction of the musculoskeletal muscles in the two cavernous bodies of the penis as well as the loss of elasticity in the white tunic In the penis due to the high rate of collagen and the low proportion of lactin responsible for its rubber, all prevent the expansion of arterial vessels in the two bodies because of the extraordinary contraction of the muscle

Male Hypothyroidism  talesforlife1

igh blood pressure, or diabetes and hardening and narrowing of blood vessels in general, especially the coronary arteries in the heart, so avoiding these diseases through effective prevention adds more than twenty Or thirty years to the human life cycle. The impasse we are facing now is that our bodies adapt modestly to the conditions and the now polluted environment that our predecessors have never faced. At the same time, our bodies are inadequately adapted to the harsh conditions we have produced for ourselves in the last three decades of environmental pollution and over- Nutrition and lack of physical movement. Scientific research and recent clinical trials, especially the presence of oxidative stress due to environmental pollution and food (Oxidative Stress), which in turn helps to early aging of cells and helps to be degenerative diseases due to toxic toxins resulting from this environmental pollution, Is a separate electrons formed in the body after eating foods contaminated by environmental poisoning, which reached its highest in industrialized countries and began years ago in our Gulf and Arab after the current urban and industrial renaissance, and this happens in our bodies after eating these During the metabolic process of these foods, the mitochondria, the mitochondria, do so in the cell. When these proteins interact with the fats and proteins inside the cell, damage or damage occurs in this cell and thus pathological changes in the vascular wall, In the body, especially in the case of other factors that help the disease as high in the proportion of fat or high blood sugar, so the primary goal and prevention of our bodies should be the reduction of calories consumed and harmful effects, and, as mentioned earlier, the high proportion of the population High-calorie diets in these foods, as well as high levels of harmful fats in the blood, damage the body and blood vessels and cause them to stiffen, constrict and block them especially. Global research has shown that older animals that underwent a low-calorie diet program had high insulin sensitivity and low blood sugar levels, and conversely, in high calorie-fed animals, hormones play an important role in physiology and pathology Natural and early aging As growth hormone is a hormone that decreases production in the body with age, scientific research indicates that the production and secretion of growth hormone (GH) gradually decreases by 14% within ten years during the age of men And women after reaching the age of majority, as well as the male sex hormone (Testosterone) when men and femininity hormone (Estrogen) when women but differ by a percentage decline in the growth of 1-2% annually hormone after the age of thirty years of age. The rapid scientific outcome on the physiology of hormonal changes in men after the age of 40 and its results. Pathological changes, most prevalent in men with erectile dysfunction, led to the response to this multi-cause disease and at the same time led to a multilateral strategy to treat this disease. There are also psychological diseases and many organic diseases, as well as metabolic diseases affecting these men in addition to sexual problems when the age of forty and the most prevalent is diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension and obesity, as well as mood disorders 
(Depressed Mood)

Wednesday, 17 April 2019

Erectile dysfunction due to the disease of hardening and narrowing of the blood vessels of the male  

Male erectile dysfunction is a widespread health problem worldwide, with an estimated 152 million people worldwide. The disease is not life threatening, but the high incidence of diabetes, vascular disease in general, cardiovascular disease in particular, and vascular and sexual diseases of men and women in the men or women is the main threat to the lives of these, because sexual vulnerability, as mentioned in the first part is a secondary disease of organic diseases It is caused by pathological, vascular and metabolic changes, including diabetes. The dysfunction of the endothelial and ventricular cells in a person with metabolic diseases mentioned above leads inevitably to cardiovascular disease, including coronary artery disease Cardiovascular disease as well as narrowing the peripheral blood vessels, which ultimately leads to heart attack and stroke. As mentioned, the cause of this imbalance and damage occurs in the endothelial cells in the arteries of the sexual region as well, which in turn leads to tightness and stiffness in these vessels as well as the imbalance in the smooth muscles of the same sex arteries and produced the nitric oxide in the penis, which leads to these symptoms of ED As well as sexual coldness of men and women.

Our cells are subjected every minute and every second to the oxidative and oxidative oxygen generated by the pollution of toxic substances in the atmosphere, which we breathe from the air. This oxidative effort may damage our cells and then to modern diseases known especially metabolic diseases, which in turn lead to diseases of the vascular, nervous and glandular system Human. It should be borne in mind that over-nutrition and hence obesity and lack of physical movement can lead to a dramatic rise in relapsing diseases, especially as people age 40, as well as early aging symptoms, especially physical and sexual weakness. They may suffer at the same time from:

• Metabolic diseases by 13%. • Hypertension of 23%. • 31% increase in blood fat. • Prostate enlargement is 8%. • Obesity.

Recent studies have shown that the vast majority of these people, especially between the age of forty and sixty, suffer 56% of the risk factors mentioned, leading to cardiovascular disease or metabolic diseases, as well as diabetes due to cell resistance to insulin, which is responsible for the metabolic process of sugar to convert it To a variety of proteins in our body cells and have erectile dysfunction and male hormone deficiency syndrome, where these infections reach 70% between the age of forty and sixty.

Symptoms of ED: Men between the age of thirty-thirty years of symptoms of male hormone deficiency syndrome due to obesity first and metabolic diseases second, negatively affect their lifestyle, if a person in these men: 1 - lack of male hormone in the blood to the below (nmol / L8 7.), its symptoms are: a. Weakness or lack of sexual desire. B. Sexual erectile dysfunction, and dysfunctional jobs. C. Increase in fat mass in the body (obesity). Dr.. Lack of muscle mass in the body. E. Lack of bone mineral density. And. Depression and memory loss.

The erectile dysfunction takes place through three physiological, hormonal and psychological events. Erectile dysfunction occurs through successive events where the sexual arousal stimulates the vascular response by expanding the arteries in the cavernous bodies. At the same time, in conjunction with the first and second responses, the neuronal response should be accompanied by smooth muscle relaxation In the two cavernous bodies of the penis, the mechanical closure of the veins causes the erection to continue. If there are any pathological changes in the vascular or neurological organs or is affected by a subjective psychological factor, this will lead to imbalance between these three physiological events and then to erectile dysfunction or erectile dysfunction or sexual desire and lack of sexual desire.

The pathological pathological changes that occur over time and early in patients with diabetes, especially due to high blood sugar, in the case of non-treatment of diabetes correctly and in the case of non-compliance of patients with the treatment and diet to maintain the proportion of sugar in the blood result is as follows:

1. Severe and progressive pathological changes in the blood vessels, especially in the arterial and arterial arteries, and are responsible for supplying the penis with arterial blood, which plays a vital role in the strength and persistence of erection in men. 2. Atrophy in the smooth muscle tissues of the cavernous bodies, with increased collagen formation in the cavernous bodies and a decrease in the proportion of elastin responsible for cavernous epithelium during paralysis and stiffness during erection. 3. The damage of the membranes of the blood vessels in the penis and decrease in quantity resulting in a decrease in the production of nitric oxide in the muscles of these vessels and then leads to atherosclerosis in these vessels. 4. Pathological decrease in the production of arginase enzyme in the cavernous bodies of diabetics as well as those with obesity and high cholesterol in the blood, which leads to a decrease in the production of nitric oxide responsible for the rubber of the body cavities and their oocytes, which can be compensated by giving these patients the amino acid called El Arginine, Which is the main pillar in the production of nitric oxide in the damaged and damaged vessels of its endothelial cells. 5. Lack of production of male and androgen hormones due to the aforementioned metabolic and vascular factors. 6. Deficiency of the arterial pressure of the penis resulting from damage to the endothelial cells of these arteries, which led to changes in the vascular pathology there
and to the deterioration and decrease in arterial blood flow into the body.

Genetic Disorders and Sexually Transmitted Diseases  

Genetic Disorders and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

The spread of sexually transmitted diseases in the present time is considered a serious problem facing young men and women, which must be limited by the media and health culture, as the rapid increase in population in the Arab countries, especially the large Arab family and at the same time continued marriage of relatives despite scientific and medical warnings Has led to a high incidence of genetic and genetic diseases in the offspring of these children as well as may lead to some of these diseases to infertility in one or both spouses infected or cause repeated abortion of the wife or genetic diseases and congenital deformities of the harvest In some cases, these fetal abnormalities can lead to fetal death immediately before birth or immediately after birth. Other diseases are not diagnosed in the child until after age. It is worth mentioning that the laboratory technology for the diagnosis of these genetic diseases has become present, thank God in our country like other countries of the developed world and that many of these genetic diseases have proved their existence here with the knowledge that most of these genetic diseases are caused by the main marriage of relatives where infertility occurs in these cases of Due to the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in one or both spouses. Since the causes of congenital, sexual and reproductive defects due to these chromosomal changes were not physically and externally diagnosed, often without external physical symptoms, Possible diagnosed before marriage, and that the submission to the modern genetic tests for these people is one of the basic tests before marriage.

The incidence of genetic diseases spread here in the Gulf region, which is caused by the first is the marriage of relatives, which lead to injury to children in the case of marriage are usually recessive diseases of chromosomal disease (Recessive Autosomal) or congenital anomalies (Congenital Anomaly) and the incidence of these diseases Between 1: 2000 - 1: 3000 injury, and the most common genetic diseases in our area here are:

Mother Mutation: This disease is one of the most common genetic mutation diseases and diseases leading to frequent miscarriage. A woman who is married to a relative has a genetic disease or a woman is infected or is also infected with one of the mutations (D), sickle cell and marine diseases, or patients with thrombophlebitis, which can not be explained in this book, and therefore the wife or husband suffering from these diseases should be subject to For clinical and laboratory treatment J to diagnose these diseases.

2 - Cystic fibrosis, which in most cases lead to complex histological changes in the lungs, intestines and liver and may lead to the death of the child after birth by 23% and the rate of infection is complete 7% and people who are treated after birth and reach the age of majority, they may get infected Infertility and are unable to reproduce.

3. Multiple chromosomal malformations These genetic diseases lead to congenital malformations of several organs in the body of the fetus or infant and may result in the death of the fetus or the infant by 20-40%.

Therefore, because of the above-mentioned dangerous diseases, prospective people must undergo genetic testing to diagnose these genetic diseases, and these children should be screened immediately after birth. Especially those who have a mother or father with one of the genetic diseases mentioned above. Thankfully, most of these diseases can be easily detected and those that are successfully treated.

The proportion of genetic diseases that affect married couples is between 12% - 58% and the proportion of children 40%, and these children may be born congenital malformations in the urinary system or reproductive: -

LED urethral rear. The testicle migrating. Urethral urethra. Curve male circumcision. Enlargement of the renal pelvis due to constriction of the upper or lower ureter. Urinary and kidney urinary reflux.

The incidence of urinary, renal or renal reflux is 20-60% in children diagnosed with bronchitis in the lower or upper urinary tract. The direct cause of urinary and renal urinary retention is a congenital defect in which the child is born, either because of weakness in the ureter muscle when met with bladder, or there is an expansion of the ureter in the bladder, or because of shortness of acupuncture or shortness of the length of the part of the urethral ureter, Atrophy and dysfunction in the formation and development of the bladder triangle during the embryonic period. The indirect causes of urinary and renal urinary reflux are high pressure in the bladder by narrowing the bladder neck, a middle band in the bladder neck, or a valve in the posterior urethra. These latter diseases are also congenital defects in which the child is born leading to recurrent bacterial infections and relapses in the aforementioned urinary tract. If not treated early, scientifically and correctly, they lead to kidney damage sooner or later and then to kidney failure and hypertension in these children age Early from the age of seven to fifteen.

The most common sexual diseases that may affect the young man or girl and must be diagnosed and treated before marriage are:

1. HSV is a viral infection transmitted through sexual activity of all kinds. Two types of HSV-1 are HSV-1, HSV-2, cervical, vaginal, anal, perineal, In men and the period of latent latency (period

Reconstructive surgery to narrow the urethra (trauma) or inflammatory and modern surgery

Urinary incontinence is a chronic disease that affects more than 15 million people in the United States and is a major problem in older adults. Although urinary incontinence is one of the most common urinary disorders, this problem is not adequately addressed due to the lack of health resources and health education. Studies indicate that more than half of women suffer at some stage of their incontinence, and most of them They wait at least five years to seek medical advice.

the definition :

The bladder is stored in the urine produced by the kidneys. When filling, the feeling of emptying of the bladder begins in the human. This occurs spontaneously. The sphincter muscles in the upper urethra relax and close to the bladder neck. At the same time, the muscles of the bladder contract and the sphincter of the urethra Sphincter Urethrae). After discharge, the bladder muscles relax and contract and contract the sphincter muscle of the urethra. In the case of incontinence, this occurs when the sphincter does not shrink completely or the bladder muscles contract at an inappropriate time. To understand the nature of the disease, we must know that there must be a physiological balance between two pressures in the human body, ie, abdominal pressure and muscle pressure The sphincter of the urethra to achieve control over the urine, when increasing the pressure in the abdominal cavity, that is when coughing or lifting something heavy from the ground or laughter increases the pressure of the muscle ulcer of the urethra higher than the high pressure abdominal cavity by coughing, laughing or lifting something heavy, The urine is not controlled The spleen and weakness of the sphincter are recurrent or stray birth. This muscle is weakened by pressure from the birth process and at the same time by weakness of the pelvic muscles in the pelvis. These muscles, which lift the bladder neck in normal cases, control urination, Pressure falls in the neck of the bladder lower than the level of the muscles of the abdominal basin and here occurs an anatomical abnormality and physiological characteristic of this area of ​​the bladder.


Primary Stress Incontinence: This is due to a physiological and anatomical dysfunction of the urethra due to the lower bladder neck level than the lower pelvic muscles. Secondary Intrinsic Muscle Dificiency: This occurs because of weakness in the muscle surrounding the urethra itself near the neck of the bladder because of damage to the nerves that feed the muscle, or because of imbalance in the coordination between the contraction of the muscles of the bladder and muscle glaucoma, which controls urinary urethra. Urge incontinence: This occurs due to excessive bladder activity and the reasons for this organic smoothness is unknown but a combination of factors can lead to infection, especially in the elderly, and overcome this infection in patients with neurological disorders and some neurological diseases such as sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis and Spinal Gord Injury due to Accidents and Injuries, Diabetes Mellitus and Parkinson Disease.

The feeling of emptying the bladder is a neurogenic origin, since the bladder emptying of the urine not only requires the interference of neurotransmitters between the bladder and spinal cord, but also requires neurotransmitters that connect the bladder to the central nervous system, which triggers the alerts of the feeling of exhaustion and discomfort to the brain, (Alfa) to transmit neurotransmitters from receptors that determine the bladder's fullness and availability, and Intravesical C-Fiber, which determines harmful and painful alerts in the bladder, and to explain the mechanism of action of the nerve fibers- C-Fibe This is why the fibers in the bladder have the same functions and effects on the central nervous system when any inflammation or swelling occurs. Therefore, the nerve fibers of the C- C-Fiber) is used in the treatment of disorders of the lower urinary system, including spontaneous incontinence, which disturb the patient's mood and leads to social isolation as well. Urinary incontinence in men: This occurs in most cases after prostate enlargement surgery or radical prostate cancer extraction in the case of malignant tumor of the gland.


In the past, the diagnosis of this disease was based on the patient's complaint with the clinical examination and the experience of the doctor, but today in the era of evidence-based medicine "Evidence Based Medicine" where the patient undergo certain tests to diagnose the type and whatever the experience of the doctor, Clinical examination of each patient and clinical examination. After the clinical examination, a Urodynamic examination is performed and an upward and downward examination of the urethra and bladder during urination is performed.

the cure :

The correct diagnosis of the condition is the success of the treatment and recovery of the disease, and successful treatment depends on the diagnosis of the stage of infection as there are three stages of primary and intermediate and advanced urinary incontinence and now have several Treatment methods for urinary incontinence vary according to clinical causes. Initially, before any therapeutic intervention for urinary incontinence, it must be ascertained that there is no bacterial infection in the bladder because it may lead to temporary urinary incontinence.

There are several methods of treatment for urinary incontinence and depends on the stage of the disease and the condition of the patient's health and age as well as other factors. Smooth treatment is divided into three: rehabilitative. Pharmaceutical. Surgery.

Reconstructive surgery for the reduction of traumatic urethral (TRAUMATIC) or inflammatory and modern surgery


Urethral stenosis is defined as a scar that comes either from a traumatic or inflammatory wound in the urethral tissue itself, which in turn leads to circular scarring that narrows the urinary incontinence from 1/2 centimeters to 3 or 4 centimeters. The urethra is a urinary canal surrounded by an esophageal body located between the two bodies of the penis and there are two main parts of this channel are the anterior anterior, which contains three parts (the segment of the sclera, the drop and the port), and posterior, which contains The two parts (membrane part, prostatic part).

Causes of urethral stenosis:

1 - chronic bacterial urethritis, which was not treated by effective antibiotics against the germs that cause this inflammation and correctly and early after the infection, where in the past century the most widespread of Gonococcal Infection and the development of effective antibiotics against this sexually transmitted infection This type of urethral constriction in recent years. 2. Urethral Trauma This occurs after Traumatic Injury or after a visual examination or catheterization. This is caused by a wound during the examination of the diaphragm of the same or after the attempt to insert a catheter in the urethra and injured these two methods are the most common causes of narrowing in the urethra and this leads to narrowing in the injured area, and the most common causes of the narrowing of the posterior membrane of the urethra is The traumatic traumatic wound is either caused by a traffic accident or fall from a top-down area called Fall Astrid Injury, which is ruptured by the membrane segment due to a fracture in the bones of the pelvis, especially the anus bone in the case of traffic accidents or injuring the posterior part of the urethra located behind the area The pubic after Collision of the ground due to falling from high to low and after a period of time on the traffic accident and rupture or break the membrane part of the urethra fill the sides of the urethra and close completely, and in the case of falling from high This emergency also lead to the narrowing of the scar tissue or partial or total interruption For this urethra. As mentioned above, due to road accidents, especially due to fractures in the pelvic bones, especially in the tubal fibrosis area, pubic partial or total rupture occurs in the posterior part of the urethra, especially in the area of ​​the bosomal junction of the bulbous membrane of the urinary tract (Bulbomembranous Junction) , And the cause of narrowing in this area of ​​urethra after these road accidents and fractures in the basin is either full or partial (Avulsion) in the membrane segment of the urethra, especially at the end of the bulbous part (Bulbous Urethra) and the beginning of the membrane Perinial (Perineal Membrane) or because of the phenomenon Called scissor effect The fractured part of the pelvic bone in the urethral region is cut partially or completely in the membrane segment. Therefore, there is no loss of the length of the urethra after these events. However, there is a fibrotic block between the end of the two segments, accompanied by a Distraction or Distortion, With varying degrees of this discontinuous part, and short urethral constriction in this region of the posterior urethra either have a congenital or inflammatory cause.


This is usually the result of urinary incontinence, and sometimes these patients become infected with the prostate or epididymis due to this constriction, which in turn leads to contaminated urinary reflux. With bacteria to these organs, which are repeated from time to time, but in the case of partial or total rupture of the urethra due to fractures in the bones of the pelvic bone symptoms are the interruption of urination completely and the exit of blood from the urethra rather than urine.


1 - Examination of the volume of urethra by ultrasound after the acquisition of colored material in the urethra and is one of the latest diagnostic methods in our time, where it is possible to diagnose the location and length or cystic fibrosis within the urethra instead of diagnosis by x-ray harmful to the testicles radiation, which in turn lead to reproductive reproductive damage For future generations especially if the patient is of married age or married. 2. The video endoscopy of the urethra is complementary to the diagnosis of narrowing. The presence of fibrosis in the spongio fibrosis is clinically determined to follow a special surgical and surgical strategy for this narrowing. Ultrasound and the amount of urine remaining in the bladder after the patient's voluntary urination.

the cure:

The modern treatment strategy is based on the "Reconstructional Ladder Approach", which is based on the method of initiation in the most basic surgical procedures and develops into complex and difficult surgical procedures if necessary. Where it begins to expand the urethra, and then to narrowing the narrowing by telescope or by laser and ends with Reconstructive Surgery) if there is a clinical and satisfactory need for it. At present, modern surgical procedures have been developed to transfer tissue to the narrowing area after surgical removal. This is a strategy in reconstructive surgery. The method of expansion is by catheter, which is the treatment method in patients diagnosed with simple scarring in the synovial membrane surrounding the urethra. For which no surgical or surgical procedure can be performed for other pathological reasons. 


Papillomavirus الأعراض والأسباب - مايو كلينك 1

Papillomavirus Papillomavirus (HPV)

Recent developments in its causes, diagnosis, treatment and prevention
Professor Samir Samurai
Dubai Healthcare City

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that belongs to the PAPOVA group. This virus, which contains DNA, is spread by contact between the skin, especially during foreplay or sexual practice of any kind. Global statistics Thirty million people a year worldwide are infected with the virus in the sexual region alone, and six million new infections occur every year in the United States and eight hundred thousand in Europe, and the prevalence of HIV infection annually in women of all ages (% 26.8) while the number of women is increasing The incidence of infection is estimated annually among women between the ages of twenty and twenty four (44.8%).

There are 100 species of this virus, and the incidence of the two types (11, 6) is the most common and non-components of tumors and is a human papillomavirus of low risk, and the incidence of these human papillomavirus in the sexual region as well as in the respiratory system also, Human papillomavirus high risk is due to infection of the species (16, 18) in addition to the species (31,33,35,39,45,51,52,56,58,66,68,69,73,82), and that its presence is a person In the cells of malignant tumors in women in the cervix or vagina or vagina and the latter includes (labia, large and small labia, pubic and pubic (16, 18) may lead to cervical cancer by 70%, and that twelve thousand new infections of this cancer from infection of these two types of virus are diagnosed annually in the United States, And that unfortunately four thousand women are infected each year as a result of this, knowing that the incidence of men's penile cancer, and the incidence of cancer of the exit of men and women may be caused by both types of virus (16, 18) as well as may be caused by other types of high-risk mentioned Previously.

Risk factors:

There are reasons that lead to the risk of infection with HIV in the case of sexual partner is:

Sexual practice without protective.
Women taking contraceptives.
Smoking: Recently, research and clinical studies have shown that one of the factors leading to this virus is smoking, because it leads to an increase in the percentage of dysplasia in the sexual area and then to the incidence of malignant tumors in the genitals of men and women.
Immune suppression
Sexually transmitted diseases (STD).
Multiple sexual partners.
How to form the thorns after infection with the virus:

(6, 11), 16 (18) or other species mentioned above, causing the formation and growth of thymus in the external sexual area after a person has been subjected to microscopic abrasion during the sexual process, which leads to the penetration of the virus into the cells of the sexual area The period of papillomavirus after the infection is two to three months, and the presence of this virus after infection in the cervix, vagina, urethra, or exit, or mucous membranes in the mouth and nose, Infection through sexual intercourse However, the infection of the ears outside the exit may be due to contact with the skin of the sexual partner infected with 
the virus.

Most of these infections may be without symptoms, but this may cause rheumatism in some patients with pain, or heartburn, or itching, or local bleeding in the area of ​​the same.

There are symptoms that may be encountered by women infected with the virus, especially vaginal itching or painful discharge, but generally symptoms in patients with the first virus is the emergence of papillomavirus tumors in the genital area or sexual, and is initially a small thrombosis spread in men The area of ​​the scrotum, the perineum, the penis, or the outer urethra, and spreads to the woman in the vulva (vagina) or vagina or cervix.

The latency period of the virus (the period from the first day of the infection to the onset of symptoms, including thorns in the genital area or nationality and may extend from three weeks to eight months.


Clinical examination of this viral disease usually begins with the examination of the sexual and reproductive region and the search for papillomatous thalamus tumors by the magnifying glass (5X). To determine the type and seriousness of the oxalus, it is recently performed by a swab taken from the thymus surface to diagnose the DNA sequence and type of HPV in the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and sometimes the patient must undergo laboratory testing for modern virus detection In the blood by neutralizing the Pseudovirion - Based Neutralization Assay if the PCR scan does not diagnose the HPV infection.

the cure:

Clinical and clinical findings of global epidemiological diseases have shown that there is a common factor between HIV infection (16,18) and cervical cancer partner (cervical cancer). Since HPV is one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases in men and women, At the same time, the high incidence of infection within the epithelial epithelial cells in the sexual area, it is also possible that the man infected with the virus to the incidence of cancer of the penis or cancer of the urethra, and the infected woman in addition to cervical cancer to the vaginal cancer, or cancer a thousand C, while exposure to the injury of the director of cancer because it is not to undergo treatment for early tooth wart and to undergo HIV prevention by vaccination against this infection or recurrence.

As for the treatment of modern and effective at present is the removal of laser erythema under local anesthesia. In the case of infection in the external urethral or internal urethra, or the vicinity of the exit, this is examined clinically and laboratory as stated in advance carefully and warned, but in case of suspected infection in the internal urethra The visual examination of the urethra and bladder should be performed prior to treatment of any infection of the viral wolves externally.

A few years ago we were able to globally and locally - and thank God - from the eradication of these thorns and tumors resulting by evaporating laser beam with a success rate of 72%, and the rate of growth and return again by 28%, and there are recent clinical studies indicate the success of local treatment in the case Back to the incidence of ulcers despite laser removal, especially in women. The most commonly used is the Imiquimod ointment. This drug leads to cellular adaptation within the human papillomavirus leading to the secretion of a cytokine in the cell, thereby reducing the reproduction of the virus within it, where it is then eliminated. Women are 77% and men are 40%.

The new vaccines have a four-fold immunization efficiency against these viruses, which contain L1, the largest clonal protein of the virus. This technology is made in the way of RNA sequestration to obtain similar parts of the virus by treating it in this way to create a papillomavirus- To be a quadrivalent vaccine against the virus, and the first vaccine is commercially called Gardasil.


Marriage of relatives WhoMarriage of relatives

The rapid increase in population in the Arab countries, especially the Arab family, and at the same time the continued marriage of relatives despite scientific and medical warnings. Has led to a high incidence of genetic and genetic diseases in the offspring of these children and may lead to some of these diseases to infertility in one or both spouses infected or cause repeated abortion of the wife or genetic diseases and deformities of the genitals In some cases, these fetal abnormalities may lead to fetal death immediately before birth or immediately after birth. Other diseases are diagnosed in the child only after age. It is worth mentioning that the laboratory technology for the diagnosis of these genetic diseases has become present, thank God in our country like other countries of the developed world and that many of these genetic diseases have proved their existence here with the knowledge that most of these genetic diseases are caused by the main marriage of relatives where infertility occurs in these cases of Due to the presence of chromosomal abnormalities in one or both spouses. Since the causes of congenital, sexual and reproductive defects due to these chromosomal changes were not physically and externally diagnosed, often without external physical symptoms, Possible diagnosed before marriage, and that the submission to the modern genetic tests for these people is one of the basic tests before marriage.

The incidence of genetic diseases spread here in the Gulf region, which is caused by the first is the marriage of relatives, which lead to injury to children in the case of marriage are usually recessive diseases of chromosomal disease (Recessive Autosomal) or congenital anomalies (Congenital Anomaly) and the incidence of these diseases Between 1: 2000 - 1: 3000 injury, and the most common genetic diseases in our area here are:

Mother Mutation: This disease is one of the most common genetic mutation diseases and diseases leading to frequent miscarriage. A woman who is married to a relative has a genetic disease or a woman is infected or is also infected with one of the mutations (D), sickle cell and marine diseases, or patients with thrombophlebitis, which can not be explained in this book, and therefore the wife or husband suffering from these diseases should be subject to For clinical and laboratory treatment J to diagnose these diseases.

2 - Cystic fibrosis, which in most cases lead to complex histological changes in the lungs, intestines and liver and may lead to the death of the child after birth by 23% and the rate of infection is complete 7% and people who are treated after birth and reach the age of majority, they may get infected Infertility and are unable to reproduce.

3. Multiple chromosomal malformations These genetic diseases lead to congenital malformations of several organs in the body of the fetus or infant and may result in the death of the fetus or the infant by 20-40%.

Therefore, because of the above-mentioned dangerous diseases, prospective people must undergo genetic testing to diagnose these genetic diseases, and these children should be screened immediately after birth. Especially those who have a mother or father with one of the genetic diseases mentioned above. Thankfully, most of these diseases can be easily detected and those that are successfully treated.

The proportion of genetic diseases that affect married couples is between 12% - 58% and the proportion of children 40%, and these children may be born congenital malformations in the urinary system or reproductive: -

LED urethral rear. The testicle migrating. Urethral urethra. Curve male circumcision. Enlargement of the renal pelvis due to constriction of the upper or lower ureter. Urinary and kidney urinary reflux.

The incidence of urinary, renal or renal reflux is 20-60% in children diagnosed with bronchitis in the lower or upper urinary tract. The direct cause of urinary and renal urinary retention is a congenital defect in which the child is born, either because of weakness in the ureter muscle when met with bladder, or there is an expansion of the ureter in the bladder, or because of shortness of acupuncture or shortness of the length of the part of the urethral ureter, Atrophy and dysfunction in the formation and development of the bladder triangle during the embryonic period. The indirect causes of urinary and renal urinary reflux are high pressure in the bladder by narrowing the bladder neck, a middle band in the bladder neck, or a valve in the posterior urethra. These latter diseases are also congenital defects in which the child is born leading to recurrent bacterial infections and relapses in the aforementioned urinary tract. If not treated early, scientifically and correctly, they lead to kidney damage sooner or later and then to kidney failure and hypertension in these children age Early from the age of seven to fifteen.

The most common sexual diseases that may affect the young man or girl and must be diagnosed and treated before marriage are:

1. HSV is a viral infection transmitted through sexual activity of all kinds. Two types of HSV-1 are HSV-1, HSV-2, cervical, vaginal, anal, perineal, In men and the period of latent latency (which is the periodMarriage of relatives

Developments in diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic prostate infections

In the past 10 years, epidemiological research has shown that prostate inflammation is one of the most important medical problems in the treatment and surgery of urinary and reproductive diseases. According to a recent survey, The proportion of cases of infection with prostatitis exceeded the cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia or cases of prostate cancer, even in the early 21st century to more than two million cases per year, where these chronic infections ranked first for diseases More prevalent "in men under the age of fifty, where he complains of prostate infections and symptoms of every two men and one man during the life period has shown that the clinical research that these infections in the prostate gland affects 10-14% of men in all ages and have a negative impact on the pattern of life Because they are at the same time related to lack of sexual desire and sexual weakness and erectile dysfunction, and rapid ejaculation in these men.

There are also risk factors that have a close relationship leading to chronic inflammation of the prostate such as smoking and excessive intake of foods with high calorie and at the same time a lack of eating fruits and vegetables with the knowledge that the origin and cause of the disease must be fully explained where the new clinical studies showed that the inflammatory state consists Due to the oxidative effort, which may contribute to inflammatory and neurological infections in the bladder, prostate, urethra and pelvis. This is because some nerve receptors in the urinary system are excreted by the secretion of nerve peptides to an irritant sensation in the prostate, Bladder, urethra and pelvis after these sensations are sent through the spinal cord to the brain.

Therefore, eating hot peppers or spices, which contain capicycin, which stimulates the above mentioned nerve units, leads to pain in the bladder and prostate and therefore should be avoided in case of infection.

Prostate diseases are divided into the following:

1 - acute bacterial prostatic inflammation.
2 - Chronic bacterial prostatitis.
3 - chronic non - bacterial prostatitis.
4. Pelvic inflammatory chronic pain syndrome.
5. Non-inflammatory chronic pelvic pain syndrome.
6- Prostate-free prostatic inflammation:

In the case of bacterial prostatitis, the disease is caused by infection with bacteria or fungi such as intestinal bacteria and staphylococcus aureus, and hospitals or anaerobic, but if the diagnosis of inflammation of the prostate initially with the absence of complete bacteria in the sample of the prostate fluid and also through the examination of polymerase sequence And at the same time recurrence of inflammatory symptoms in the prostate shortly, it is uncertain whether this is a case of (non-bacterial inflammation) or that the traction garlic has formed a kind of immunity to himself by forming small bacillus surrounds it as a cover and protect it, this is the case about In some cases, non-bacterial infection may be caused by a garlic-bite injury that is not usually found in the urinary tract, but has been Move to another source.

The incidence of prostate inflammation without symptoms was observed in cases of benign prostatic hyperplasia.

The microbes that cause the disease

Bacterial causes of the vast majority of cases of prostatic inflammation are caused by 65-80% colorectal amygdala, while 10-15% are infected with pseudomonas aeruginosa, bactericidal bacteria, intestinal celiacella or non-antibacterial bacteria.

The intestinal tract may cause inflammation of the prostate and at the same time inflammation of the urinary tract. The importance of these bacteria is unclear and may change in certain cases to pathogenic bacteria, as in the case of urethral infections in the front area. In addition, there are bacterial infections Are not currently very common due to infection. White, orange, or coagulant staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus, and staphylococcus aureus in urethra, prostate, parasitic fungus, salmonella, Reat Despite the lack of injury to these germs as we mentioned, but its importance increases in cases of weak public and autoimmune when the patient as a result of infection with AIDS, for example, "where an increasingly important abound kinds and the risk of them.

The role of microbial or plasma urea and chlamydia trachomatis remains significant "in cases of chronic prostatitis, where they have been found in prostate secretions, and recently diagnosed with high sensitivity and specificity by the laboratory testing of the polymerase polymerase chain (PCR), where we can prove Infection with these bacteria or not, especially infection with trachomal chlamydia bacteria of the prostate gland.

There have been research and therapeutic developments in recent years focused on the infection of chlamydia in the urinary tract and genitalia, which leads to addition to the injury of the prostate and sperm in the men to the injury of the urethra and women by 50%, knowing that the incidence of epididymis ascites by this bacteria may lead to infertility obstructive Where the semen disappears in the semen completely by the full inflammatory obstruction of the spermatic cord through which and in cases of unsatisfactory sperm reach from the epididymis to the sperm and into the sperm cell launcher and then the Transurethral for shooting outside during the

الحيوانات المنوية:سرعة القذف الحيوانات المنوية مدونة الصحة

عظم الناس ربما لا يفكرون كثيرًا في نمو الحيوانات المنوية إلى أن يبدو التصور أنها تستغرق وقتًا أطول مما يجب. والخبر السار هو أن هناك بعض التغييرات الملموسة في نمط الحياة التي يمكن أن يقوم بها الرجال لتحسين صحة الحيوانات المنوية والخصوبة بشكل عام.
من المعروف بشكل عام أن معظم الرجال ينتجون ملايين الحيوانات المنوية الجديدة كل يوم. ومع ذلك ، قد لا تعرف أن هذه الحيوانات المنوية الجديدة تستغرق حوالي 2 إلى 3 أشهر حتى تنضج تمامًا. قد لا تدرك أيضًا أنه عندما يتم تكوين الحيوانات المنوية في البداية داخل الخصيتين ، فإنها تفتقر إلى القدرة على 
لحيوانات المنوية هي خلايا حية داخل الجسم الذكري وتخضع لأي ظروف يتعرض لها بقية الجسم طوال دورة تطورها. يمكن أن تؤثر درجات الحرارة القصوى والتدخين وتعاطي المخدرات وسوء التغذية على جودة الحيوانات المنوية. لهذا السبب ، يجب على الرجال الذين يتطلعون إلى زيادة فرص الحمل التفكير في إجراء تغييرات صحية في نمط الحياة. يخبر دكتور كوري تانيريكوت ، طبيب المسالك البولية التناسلي وخبيرالخصوبة لدى الذكور ،  مرضاها أن نمط الحياة "الصحي للقلب" هو أسلوب "صديق للحيوانات المنوية": تناول نظام غذائي جيد ، وممارسة الرياضة بانتظام ومعتدلة للحفاظ على وزن صحي ، وتجنب التبغ الاستخدام ، واستهلاك الكحول والكافيين في الاعتدال هي خيارات حكيمة.بسبب دورة حياة إنتاج الحيوانات المنوية ، بمجرد حدوث تغيير في نمط الحياة - مثل الإقلاع عن التدخين - يستغرق ظهور الحيوانات المنوية الأكثر صحة حوالي 2 إلى 3 أشهر في القذف.
من المهم أيضًا ملاحظة أن كثرة الحرارة على الخصيتين أو بالقرب منهما يمكن أن تضعف إنتاج الحيوانات المنوية. يمكن أن تتأثر أعداد الحيوانات المنوية وجودتها سلبًا بأحواض الاستحمام الساخنة وأحواض الاستحمام الساخنة والرحلات الطويلة إلى الساونا أو غرفة البخار. أيضا ، أن تضع في اعتبارك عدم وضع أجهزة الكمبيوتر المحمولة مباشرة على اللفة ولكن بدلاً من ذلك ضع وسادة أو كتاب بينهما

حل مشكلة الحيوانات المنوية التهم با لاسباب الصحة وسرعة القذف

الحصول على السيطرة على الأرقام وراء جزء الرجل من الجهاز التناسلي. تحتوي هذه المقالة على مناقشة صريحة للعلوم الجنسية والإنجابية
زيرون جيبسون ومايك ليهيحقوق الطبع والنشر أيقونة الصورةمعمل الفئران مايك ليهي وزيرون جيبسون
على الرغم من أنني عالم أحياء ، إلا أنني نادراً ما أفكر كثيرًا فيما تحتويه الأشياء البيضاء الغائمة ، ولكن في الواقع فإن السائل المنوي أكثر تعقيدًا بكثير من صورة طفولتي المحببة لأشرطة صغيرة صغيرة تسبح في عجينة ورق جدران رقيقة.
هناك العديد من ميزات السائل المنوي البشري المألوفة لدى معظم الناس ، لكن أهميتها ليست محل تقدير. لبداية ، القذف ليس من تناسق موحد.
عندما يقذف الرجل ، تحتوي "الطفرة" الأولى على عدد أكبر بكثير من الحيوانات المنوية من الطفرات اللاحقة. هذا هو السبب في أن طريقة الانسحاب من وسائل منع الحمل خطيرة للغاية.
إذا كان الرجل هو جزء من الثانية فقط بعد فوات الأوان ثم الجزء الأكثر فعالية من السائل المنوي ينتهي بالضبط حيث لا يريد هو أو شريكه.
تعرف على المزيد حول دراسة البيولوجيا مع الجامعة المفتوحة
في الواقع ، لقد اقترح أنه في حالة وجود أخطاء بين الزوجين ، فمن الأفضل عدم الإزعاج للانسحاب على الإطلاق ، لكن يرجى عدم تجربة ذلك في المنزل.

كم من الحيوانات المنوية يصنعها الرجل؟

أولاً ، دعنا نتحدث عن الأرقام. كمية خلايا الحيوانات المنوية التي ينتجها الرجال تختلف على نطاق واسع. بشكل عام ، يُقال إن الرجال قد ينتجون ما بين مليمتين وخمسة مليلتر من السائل المنوي في كل مرة يتم فيها القذف ، وقد يحتوي كل ملليلتر على ما بين 20 مليون إلى 300 مليون خلية منوية.
هذا يعني أن الإنسان الخصب قد ينتج ما بين 40 مليون و 1800 مليون خلية نطفة في المجموع ، على الرغم من أن الغالبية تنتج ما بين 40 و 60 مليون خلية منوية لكل مليلتر ، مما يعطي ما مجموعه 80 إلى 300 مليون من الحيوانات المنوية في القذف.
قبل المضي قدمًا في حلقة سباق الحيوانات المنوية في معمل الجرذان ، تم فحص أنا وزيرون في مستشفياتنا المحلية وحساب عدد الحيوانات المنوية لدينا.
بالطبع ، لو عرفنا النتائج قبل التصوير ، لكان البرنامج مهزلة ، لذا بقيت النتائج سرية عنا.
من دون ضغوط التصوير والساعات الطويلة والافتقار إلى الخصوصية والإرهاق ، أنتجت حوالي 300 مليون من الحيوانات المنوية في 4 ملل من السائل المنوي وضخها Zeron بأكثر من 80 مليون في ما يقرب من 3 مليلتير ، لذلك وُجِد أن كلانا خصب تمامًا.
كان هذا رائعًا ، لأن أيا منا لم يكن يريد أن يكتشف أننا مصابون بالعقم ، ولأن زيرون لديه أطفال ، فقد كان مصدر قلق كبير له لو ثبت أنه كان! (بعد كل شيء ، ما يصل إلى واحد من كل سبعة أطفال بريطانيين ليسوا ذرية وراثية للرجل الذي يعتبر والدهم).
لكن عدد الحيوانات المنوية وحده ليس العامل الوحيد الذي يحدد الخصوبة. لفهم علم الأحياء وراء خصوبة الرجال ، يجب أولاً فهم كيفية إنتاج الحيوانات المنوية ، وكيف يتم نقلها من الرجل ، ثم كيف يقاتلون في طريقهم إلى جائزتهم النهائية - البيضة التي قد تنتظرهم في نهاية الجهاز التناسلي للأنثى.
مجرد التفكير في الأمر يجعلني أشعر بالذنب ، لأن حسابًا تقريبيًا أظهر أنني قد خيبت آمال حوالي 7،500،000،000،000 من الطلاب الصغار.
نطفةحقوق الطبع والنشر أيقونة الصورة

هل يتم إنشاء خلايا الحيوانات المنوية على قدم المساواة؟

من المتوقع استخدام "ذيل" الحيوانات المنوية البشرية لدفعها عبر السوائل ، ويحتوي "الرأس" على مصانع طاقة صغيرة تسمى الميتوكوندريا ، بالإضافة إلى الحمض النووي للخلايا - المعبأ في ثلاثة وعشرين كروموسوم.
توجد على رأس رأس الحيوان المنوي حزمة تحتوي على إنزيمات تكسر طبقات واقية على سطح البويضة.
ليست كل خلايا الحيوانات المنوية البشرية متشابهة. بعضها له رأسان أو بدون رأس ، والبعض الآخر له رؤوس ضخمة ، أو البعض الآخر ذيول صغيرة أو لا ذيول ، والبعض الآخر قد ينحني في زوايا قائمة ، أو له ذيول لولبية.كثير من تلك غير العادية ربما ليست خصبة.

الحيوانات المنوية

لا يولد الرجال بخلايا الحيوانات المنوية الجاهزة - يجب أن تصنع في وقت لاحق ، من سن البلوغ وما بعده. (ومن المثير للاهتمام ، عندما يولد الإناث لديهم بالفعل كل حصتهم من البيض.) تصنع الحيوانات المنوية في أوعية ، داخل الخصيتين ، تسمى الأنابيب المنوية.
الجهاز التناسلي الذكريحقوق الطبع والنشر أيقونة الصورة
بمجرد إنتاجها ، فإنها تبدأ في النضج في البربخ والأوعية المؤجلة. هذه الأنابيب تؤدي في النهاية إلى مجرى البول - الأنبوب الذي من خلاله نتبول.
الرجال أيضا استخدام مجرى البول لتسليم السائل المنوي في الجهاز التناسلي للأنثى. تستغرق العملية الكاملة للإنتاج والنضج داخل الجسم الذكري 74 يومًا ، لكن المتوسط ​​المعتاد هو حوالي تسعة أسابيع.

الحيوانات المنوية مثل ذلك الباردة

حقيقة واحدة أكثر إثارة للاهتمام حول تكوين الحيوانات المنوية هي أن خلايا الحيوانات المنوية تفضل بيئة باردة. في سن البلوغ ، تنحدر الخصيتان من أجسادنا وتبدأ في التعلق بين أرجلنا. هذا يساعد في الحفاظ على درجة حرارة آلات تصنيع الحيوانات المنوية عند درجتين تحت درجة حرارة الجسم.
هذا الاختلاف ليس فريدًا بالنسبة للبشر ، وهو أقل تميزًا عن الكباش والثيران ، حيث تظل خصيتهم عمومًا أقل من درجة حرارة الجسم من ست إلى ثماني درجات. مهما كانت الاختلافات في درجة الحرارة صغيرة ، فهي مهمة.
إذا تم الإبقاء على الخصيتين داخل الجسم بعد إصابة الرجل بالبلوغ ، فسيكون مصابًا بالعقم. إذا نزلت إحدى الخصيتين ، فمن المحتمل أن يكون الرجل خصبًا ، لكن هذا غير مضمون. بلف الكرات في حشوة ساخنة ، بذلت قصارى جهدي لتقليل إنتاج الحيوانات المنوية.

هل تنفجر إذا لم تفرج عنك؟

على الرغم من أن الحيوانات المنوية تصنع باستمرار داخل الخصيتين ، فإذا لم يقذف الرجل لبعض الوقت ، فلن تنفجر الخصيتان.
يتم ببساطة إعادة امتصاص الحيوانات المنوية في الجسم. هذا مهم لمرضى استئصال الأسهر لأنهم ببساطة لديهم "قطع الأنابيب" ولا يزال يتم إنتاج الحيوانات المنوية.
إذا لم يتم امتصاص الحيوانات المنوية الزائدة ، فلن يمر وقت طويل قبل أن تسحب الخصيتين على الأرض.

هل يهم الحج

متساعد الرجال الذين تعبت من سرعة القذف - سرعة القذف

م تدريب أربعين رجلاً ممن ذكروا أنهم يعانون من مشاكل سرعة القذف مدى الحياة على ممارسة عضلات قاع الحوض لمدة 12 أسبوعًا. كما قاموا بقياس وقتهم للنشوة الجنسية طوال فترة الدراسة.

كان الرجال الذين تتراوح أعمارهم بين 19 و 46 سنة قد جربوا سابقًا مجموعة متنوعة من العلاجات ، بما في ذلك الكريمات والعلاج السلوكي ومضادات الاكتئاب ، دون أي تحسن كبير.

قام الباحثون بتدريس المشاركين تقنيات مشابهة لتلك المستخدمة لمساعدة الأشخاص الذين يعانون من سلس البول ، بما في ذلك كيفية التعاقد مع عضلات العجان لتحسين قوتهم وتحملهم.

وحفزوا أيضًا عضلات قاع الحوض للرجال باستخدام مسبار كهربائي شرجي واستخدموا استراتيجية تسمى الارتجاع البيولوجي لحثهم على ممارسة تمارين العجان. كجزء من عملية الارتجاع البيولوجي ، يتم وضع الأقطاب الكهربائية على أرضية الحوض للمريض وتحويلها إلى أصوات أو رسومات يراها المريض أو يسمعها.

أجرى الرجال جميع التمارين ثلاث مرات في الأسبوع ، لمدة 20 دقيقة لكل جلسة.

لاحظ ثلاثة وثلاثون مشاركًا ، أو 82 بالمائة ، حدوث تحسن. آخر اثنين من ذوي الخبرة التحسن ولكن تسربوا قبل نهاية البرنامج لمدة 12 أسبوعا. خمسة ليس لديه تحسن.

في بداية المحاكمة ، كان متوسط ​​وقت القذف للرجال أثناء الجماع 32 ثانية. بحلول نهاية الأسابيع الستة الأولى ، كان لدى 33 مريضًا ناجحًا متوسط ​​وقت القذف لأكثر من دقيقتين بقليل. بعد 12 أسبوعًا ، زاد متوسط ​​وقت القذف بأكثر من أربعة أضعاف ، إلى دقيقتين ونصف تقريبًا.

واصل 13 من الرجال أداء التدريبات مرة واحدة في الأسبوع وتتبع نتائجهم لمدة ستة أشهر أخرى. ذكرت جميعهم أنهم حافظوا على أوقات القذف لمدة ستة أشهر كاملة.

"تمكن هؤلاء الرجال ، الذين عانوا من القذف المبكر طوال حياتهم ، من تحسين وقت القذف لديهم خلال 12 أسبوعًا فقط والمحافظة على هذا التحسن لمدة ستة أشهر أخرى" ، قال الباحث الرئيسي الدكتور أنطونيو باستور ، طبيب المسالك البولية بجامعة سابينزا في روما ، وقال لرويترز الصحة في رسالة بريد إلكتروني.

قال الباحثون إن التدريبات أكثر تعقيدًا قليلاً من تلك المستخدمة في سلس البول ، مثل ما يسمى بتمارين كيجل.

وقال تشانغ: "تم تصميم هذه التمارين لإعادة تدريب / إعادة تثقيف عضلات قاع الحوض إما للتقلص أو الإطالة بشكل صحيح بناءً على الحاجة ووفقًا للحاجة". "على سبيل المثال ، لإعادة تدريب العضلات على الانقباض ، يجب على المرء أن يحاول تقليص عضلات قاع الحوض كما لو كانت تحمل بولها ، واحتفظ بها لمدة 10 ثوانٍ ، لمدة 10 مرات ، مثل تمارين كيجل. لكن هذا مجرد جزء مما هو مطلوب للرجال الذين يعانون من سرعة القذف ".

وأشارت إلى أن التمارين ربما لا تساعد على الإطلاق إذا لم يتعلم الرجال القيام بها بشكل صحيح.

وقال تشانغ: "من الأفضل للرجال الذين يعانون من سرعة القذف أن يسترشدوا بشكل صحيح بأخصائي العلاج الطبيعي في قاع الحوض".

"يحتاج المرضى إلى أربعة أسابيع على الأقل من التدريب (12 جلسة) لتعلم تقنيات إعادة التأهيل المحددة والتمارين الموضحة في هذه الدراسة" ، أضاف باستور.

وقال تشانغ إن معهد هيرمان و والاس لإعادة تأهيل الحوض يحتفظان بقائمة من ممارسي إعادة تأهيل الحوض المعتمدين حيث يمكن للرجال أن يبحثوا عن معالج طبيعي. الدليل موجود على الإنترنت هنا:

"إن تمارين قاع الحوض ، إذا تمت بشكل صحيح ، ينبغي أن تساعد الرجال في سرعة القذف. إنها أكثر فعالية من حيث التكلفة وبدون آثار جانبية محتملة للعقاقير المستخدمة حاليًا